Sorry to keep everyone in suspense over the last few days! I have been down in the dumps with an upper respiratory infection and have certainly not been out enjoying my garden. In my sickly stupor however, I made a quick jaunt down in order to put out some miracle grow as my cantaloupe plants are looking pretty sad. There I go with a full watering can of miracle grow; stumbling around downed trees and through knee-high grass to get to the garden and wouldn't you know it. SLAM! To the ground I fall, miracle grow across my face, in my hair, and sticking to the side of my leg. Needless to say I was curled up in the grass hating my cold and myself for several minutes!
P.S. On Saturday there was a deer about 100 yards from the house that our dogs were watching very quietly. I skirted the driveway and hid below the field line and army-crawled to the edge of the field. I got about 5 feet into the field and popped my head up to get my bearings. As soon as I did the deer caught sight of me and simply stared for what felt like hours! It probably only lasted a minute before the dog's growl sent her bounding away but it was pretty amazing!