Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Attack of the Slugs

BREAKING NEWS! The Slugs have taken over my garden!!! These mollusks are insatiable and are slowly crunching their way through the leaves on all of my seedlings. The mucus they secrete allows them to slide up and over every plant in the garden as well as to defend themselves from predators. Now I have heard a lot of different rumors about what kills these beasts ranging from soapy water to a beer trap. No I am not joking! Apparently the yeast in beer is a major turn-on for slugs and an open container will have everything within a few feet trucking along in order to blindly throw themselves over the rim. Another long term option for removal would be to put in a small water area near your garden in order to invite natural predators into the area. These include ducks, snakes, salamanders, and turtles. Because I was not in the mood to get drunk in the garden last night or dig a pond this morning, I dug through my stockpile of gardening odds and ends and came across a natural soap spray that kills bugs on contact. This is an organic spray that you can purchase pre-diluted material but I recommend the concentrated soap in order to mix up however you see fit. I mixed up my batch and soaked those plants down on both the upper and underside of the leaves until it was dripping off! Let's see those slugs take chunks out of the leaves again!

~I added a link for the concentrated organic soap product as well~

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